📜Forest Trails - Rootmap
What lurks deep in the forest ... 👀
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What lurks deep in the forest ... 👀
Last updated
Roadmaps are made to share the team’s vision to the community as a means to connect with each other and keep everyone on the same page.
Here at Entricals, we value the concept of underpromising and overdelivering - so we decided to show a visual roadmap rather than a written one for a multitude of reasons.
Visual roadmaps allow for the team to pivot focus and adapt based on market sentiment. Gives the team the flexibility in terms of execution, but also gives you guys a general idea of what we’re planning to build. We don’t want to publish a written roadmap lacking in details or revealing too much about our plans, so presenting them visually is what we believe is a middle ground - it is up to the community to decipher the mysteries of the forest. Here are some things that all awakened Ents can look forward to..
Community + TreeHouse DAO: The entire premise of the forest is to grow, and we aim to do that by constantly trying to find innovative ways to reward our community and holders. We think of building the community like growing a family, it won’t be perfect on the get-go and probably will never be perfect - but that’s what makes it special.
We all strive on growth, we grow together and help each other out with whatever we can.
It’ll be difficult for sure, but in the TreeHouse - we’ll make it all worth it. The strongest communities have great DAOs, and we’ll make sure to get the very best to join us in the forest
We may be down, but we’re never out.
Staking: Unique ways to stake and be rewarded whilst creating a strong token eco-system that won't only be adopted only in our forest.
Grow your $ROOTS and be rewarded.
Sprout Rewards: Sprout is a new and unique rewarding system that has been developed by the forest. Its roots are slowly spreading, and seem to be reaching further than just mints. Learn more: ttps://entricals.gitbook.io/sprout-rewards/
Entlightenment: A magical path will one day open up, giving ents a chance to explore and go on their own journey for growth. Rumors say that each Ent will achieve entlightenment from their journey.
Forest Chests: Deep in the forest, magical chests can be found. These are said to contain mysterious rewards and prizes. Keep your eyes peeled when wandering through the home of the Ents. Forest Lands: Lands with powerful roots that contain powerful forms of energy.
These are only the things we're shining some light on..there's MUCH more.